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The plot thickens

Home > All Problems > The plot thickens

The probability density function of the normal or Gaussian distribution, is:


where mu is the mean and sigma the standard deviation. Have a look at the amplitude spectrum of y(t) with mu=0 and three separate values of sigma=0.05, 0.1 and 0.5 and with -2<=t<2.

What do you notice about the spread of frequencies as the spread of the original function is increased?

See The plot thickens - Solution

#frequencyanalysis #gaussian #normaldistribution #mathematicsforelectricalengineeringandcomputing21.10 #mathematicsforelectricalengineeringandcomputing16.5

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plotXpose app is a companion to the book Mathematics for Electrical Engineering and Computing by Mary Attenborough, published by Newnes, 2003.