plotXpose is a companion app with the book Mathematics for Electrical Engineering and Computing by Mary Attenborough - click for more info


To change the y-axis range select this from Settings. This will produce the “Axis Range” window displaying the current minimum and maximum values for y. Enter new values and select OK. The drawing is misplayed using the new y-axis limits.

Entering a new function or changing the t-axis limits or changing the Sampling Interval will result in the y-axis limits being reset to the maximum and minimum values of the function and its derivative and integral (if displayed) over the defined range for t.

plotXpose app is available on Google Play and App Store
Download plotXpose on the App Store
Get plotXpose on Google Play
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A version will shortly be available for Windows.
plotXpose app is a companion to the book Mathematics for Electrical Engineering and Computing by Mary Attenborough, published by Newnes, 2003.